Muliti-Purpose Bench MH-L107 2.0 – Marbo Sport

The multi-purpose bench MH-L107 was manufactured with the latest technologies and high-quality materials. Strong profiles 40x40 mm and used to make individual elements thick and robust sheets testify to the excellent stability of the bench MH-L107 2.0
Solutions used

Backrest Adjustment System
The backrest and seat of the bench MH-L107 can be adjusted in seven positions and the back angle can be adjusted from -10° to 76°. It is worth noting that the backrest during setting positive angles moves relative to the racks.
The MH-L107 2.0 has the option of mounting accessories from the same series. You can attach a lat pulldown, a preacher curl attachement or a leg training device.

Safety hooks
The hooks for placing the barbell bars are designed so that they offer maximum safety and maximum comfort during training.
Possibility of compilation
The MH-L107 2.0 is extremely compact and can be easily folded back after training.

Home line - sports equipment for private use
The Home series is a series of products designed for beginners in bodybuilding and sports enthusiasts who want to gain the experience.
The device was made to be functional and easy to assemble. It also guarantees safety and comfort. The products are made of firm fabric 40x40cm. It ensures the stability that is incomparable with other sports equipment is in this price range. The aesthetics of the production emphasize the elegant red and black upholstery with the 3 cm sponge and the powder coating.
Safety is the most important thing for us
In order to guarantee the safety of the customers, our device is checked for safety and conformity by the European Center for Quality. Our accessories series has achieved the target specifications for examinations. We have get the security certificate and top security certificate.
Postal Code: 27-200
City: Starachowice
Country: Poland
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Marbo was founded over 40 years ago in Starachowice. We started with the production of simple equipment for home gyms, to constantly increase the range and quality of products together with the experience gained. Today we are the leading manufacturer of bodybuilding equipment in Poland, offering world-class equipment. We have built a brand and gained experience that obliges.
Bodybuilding is our passion, and by combining it with modern machinery, we are able to provide the highest quality equipment, made with attention to detail, and above all with your comfort and safety in mind.
The company is based in Starachowice in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. This is where the office, production and warehouse halls are located. It is a base from which all forms of online sales and contact with customers are controlled, from which shipments for individual customers and partner stores are carried out. On the company's map, all roads start from Starachowice.